Two types of glitches in a solid quark star

Glitch (sudden spin-up) is a common phenomenon in pulsar observations. However, the physical mechanism of glitch is still a matter of debate
because it depends on the puzzle of pulsar’s inner structure, i.e. the equation of state of dense matter. Some pulsars (e.g. Vela like) show
large glitches (delta ν/ν ∼ 10^−6) but release negligible energy, whereas the large glitches of AXPs/SGRs (anomalous X-ray pulsars/soft gamma repeaters) are usually (but not always) accompanied with detectable energy releases manifesting as X-ray bursts or outbursts. We try to understand this aspect of glitches in a starquake model of solid quark stars. There are two kinds of glitches in this scenario: bulk-invariable (type I) and bulk-variable (type II) ones. The total stellar volume changes (and then energy releases) significantly for the latter but not for the former. Therefore, glitches accompanied with X-ray bursts (e.g. that of AXP/SGRs) could originate from type II starquakes induced probably by accretion, while the others without evident energy release (e.g. that of Vela pulsar) would be the result of type I starquakes due to, simply, a change of stellar ellipticity.