
The Astrocoffee is a meeting of people from several groups belonging to the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at Goethe University and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS). The areas of research include compact stars and physics of dense matter, astroparticle physics, quantum gravity, and cosmology. The seminars are usually held in room 100 at FIAS, but sometimes also at the ITP. Not surprisingly, exquisite coffee is served before the seminar.

You can add the seminar schedule to your personal calendar applications by copying the following link to your client. Any modification to the schedule will remain up-to-date on your devices.

Tue 27.05.202514:00Cédric Jockel (Albert Einstein Institute)Observational signatures of SMBH progenitors at high redshiftFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 13.05.202514:00David Chay Benisty (Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam)FIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 06.05.202514:00Jan-Erik Christian (Hamburg U.)FIAS 100 & Zoom
*Fri* 14.02.202514:00Alexander Haber (Southampton)Weak Interactions in Neutron Star MergersFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 11.02.202514:00Guillem Domènech (Leibniz University Hannover)Secondary gravitational waves in modified gravityFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 04.02.202514:00Hosein Gholami (TU Darmstadt)Color Superconductivity and Hybrid Stars: Insights from an NJL ModelFIAS 100 & Zoom
*Fri* 31.01.202514:00Kathrin Grunthal (MPI for Radio Astronomy)Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Cartography – Radioastronomical observations, noise analyses and sky mapsFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 28.01.202514:00Manuel Izquierdo (Universitat de les Illes Balears)The Guided Moments formalism: a new neutrino treatmentZoomSlides
Tue 21.01.202514:00Lavinia Heisenberg (Universität Heidelberg)Core Principles of Gravitational PhysicsFIAS 100 & Zoom
*Fri* 17.01.202514:00Wolfram Ratzinger (Weizmann Institute)High-Frequency Gravitational WavesFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 14.01.202514:00Nicklas Ramberg (SISSA, Trieste)Bubble Nucleation from Dark Confinement with HolographyFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 17.12.202414:00Florian Ecker (Technische Universität Wien)Angle of Null Energy Condition Lines in Critical SpacetimesFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 10.12.202414:00Zachary Gelles (Princeton University)Measuring Black Hole Spin from Polarized Images of JetsZoomSlides
Tue 03.12.202414:00Rainer Spurzem (National Astronomical Observatories of China & KIAA, Peking Univ & ARI/ZAH, Univ. of Heidelberg)Dynamics of nuclear and globular clusters, neutron stars, black holes, gravitational wavesZoomSlides
*Mon* 02.12.2024*11:00*Alejandro Cruz Osorio (UNAM – Instituto de Astronomía)Shadow from nonlinear accretion of a scalar field onto a black hole*Phys 02.116* & ZoomSlides
Tue 26.11.202414:00Mariia Khelashvili
(Princeton University, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe Universität)
Direct and Indirect Detection of AxionsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 19.11.202414:00Alan Tsz-Lok Lam (Albert Einstein Institute)Binary neutron star mergers in massive scalar-tensor theoryFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 05.11.202414:00Marta Molero (Technische Universität Darmstadt & Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste)Chemical evolution of neutron-capture elementsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 22.10.202414:00Andreas Geißel (Technische Universität Darmstadt)Thermodynamics of cold and dense quark matterFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 16.07.202414:00Carline Biesdorf (Federal University of Santa Catarina)Modified MIT Bag Models and Compact StarsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 09.07.202414:00Navid Abbasi
(Lanzhou University)
A bounds on the enhancement of the speed of sound near the QCD critical pointFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 02.07.202414:00Jay Armas (University of Amsterdam)A dual formulation of magnetohydrodynamicsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Thurs 27.06.202414:00Nils Andersson (University of Southampton)Non-equilibrium aspects of neutron star mergersPhys __.102 & ZoomSlides
Tue 25.06.202414:00Jahed Abedi (University of Stavanger)Spectroscopy for asymmetric binary black hole mergersFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 18.06.202414:00Hui Tong (Universität Bonn)Ab initio calculation of hyper-neutron matterFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 11.06.202414:00Mark Alford (Washington University in St. Louis)Neutrinos in dense matter: beyond modified UrcaFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 04.06.202414:00Matti Järvinen (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)Instability of holographic quark matterFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Fri 31.05.202410:00Jaki Noronha-Hostler (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)Connecting the neutron star equation of state to heavy-ion collisions and finite temperaturesFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 28.05.202414:00Tamanna Jain (University of Cambridge)Improving inference on neutron star properties using information from binary merger remnantsZoomSlides
Tue 21.05.202414:00Elias Kiritsis (University of Crete)On cold and dense QCD matterFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 16.04.202414:00José Luis Hernández (Universitat de Barcelona)Damping of density oscillations from bulk viscosity in quark matterZoomSlides
Wed 27.03.202414:00Sumanta Chakraborty (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)The conundrum of Tidal Love numberFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 19.03.202414:00Yuki Fujimoto (University of Washington)Confronting weak-coupling results in dense QCD with lattice QCD dataZoom
Wed 13.03.202416:00Miquel Miravet-Tenés (Universitat de València)Modeling turbulence in binary neutron star mergersPhys 02.116 & ZoomSlides
Tue 27.02.202414:00Francesco Di Filippo (Charles University)Hearts of Darkness: Nonsingular Black Holes Beyond General RelativityFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 06.02.202414:00Aleksi Vuorinen (University of Helsinki)Transport in quark matter: pQCD meets holographyFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 30.01.202414:00Jieshuang Wang (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)Particle acceleration in jets of active galactic nucleiFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Fri 12.01.202414:00Prashant Kocherlakota (Harvard University)New Insights into Strong Gravity from Accreting Black HolesFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 19.12.202314:00Alejandra Gonzalez (Universität Jena)Numerical-Relativity-Informed Effective-One-Body model for Black-Hole-Neutron-Star Mergers with Higher Modes and Spin PrecessionFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 12.12.202314:00Ishfaq Ahmad Rather (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)Nature of HESS J1731-347 Compact Object and Neutron star EoS with Delta baryonsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 05.12.202314:00Maciej Kierkla (University of Warsaw)Effective field theory description of supercooled phase transitionsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 28.11.202314:00Filippo Camilloni (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)Analytic approaches to spinning black hole magnetospheresFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 21.11.202314:00Christian Krüger (Universität Tübingen)Rapidly rotating neutron stars: Universal relations and EOS inferenceFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 14.11.202314:00Michael Dumbser (University of Trento)High order well-balanced finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin schemes for a first order hyperbolic reformulation of the coupled Einstein-Euler system in 3+1 general relativityZoom
Tue 07.11.202314:00Sebastian Völkel (Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam)Confronting Black Hole Spectroscopy with the RingdownOSZ Hörsaal H5 & ZoomSlides
Tue 31.10.202314:00Tyler Gorda (Technische Universität Darmstadt)Constraining the microphysics of high-density QCDFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 24.10.202314:00Simone dall’Osso (Università di Roma Sapienza)A magnetar legacyFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 17.10.202314:00Alexis Reboul-Salze (Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam)MRI-driven α–Ω dynamo in binary neutron star mergersFIAS 100 & Zoom
(Summer break)
Tue 18.07.202314:00Frédéric Daigne (Sorbonne Université, Paris)Synchrotron radiation and synchrotron self-Compton scatterings in gamma-ray burstsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 11.07.2023(no AstroCoffee)
Tue 04.07.202314:00Ritam Mallick (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal)Prospect and probes for phase transition in neutron starsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 27.06.202314:00Zach Etienne (University of Idaho, Moscow)Advancing multimessenger astrophysics: new techniques for realistic neutron star collision simulationsFIAS 101 & ZoomSlides
Tue 20.06.202314:00Mark Alford (Washington University St. Louis)Desperately seeking equilibrium: the dynamics of warm nuclear matterFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 13.06.202314:00Sebastian Blacker (TU Darmstadt)Exploring thermal effects of the hadron-quark matter transition in neutron star mergersFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 06.06.202314:00Henrik Rose (Universität Potsdam)Constraining three-nucleon interactions with the Einstein TelescopeFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 30.05.202314:00Pawan Kumar (University of Texas at Austin)Fast radio burst radiation physics & cosmologyFIAS 100 & Zoom
Tue 23.05.202314:00Sherwood Richers (University of Tennessee)Neutrino flavor transformation in neutron star mergersFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 16.05.202314:00Nicolas Kovensky (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique)Dense QCD and neutron stars from holographyFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 09.05.202314:00Maciek Wielgus (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy)Observing Sagittarius A* with ALMAFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 02.05.2023(no AstroCoffee)
Tue 25.04.202314:00 (no coffee served)Filip Samuelsson (Sorbonne Université, Paris)Recent developments regarding GRB prompt emissionOtto-Stern Zentrum (S4) & ZoomSlides
Tue 18.04.202314:00Pia Jakobus (Monash University, Melbourne)Probing dense matter with core-collapse supernovaeFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 11.04.2023(no AstroCoffee)
Tue 04.04.202316:00 (note time)Alexander Haber (Washington University in St. Louis)Examining a ‘strangely light star’ with new equations of state constrained by low-energy nuclear theoryZoomSlides
Tue 28.03.202315:00 (note time)Jonatan Jacquemin Ide (Northwestern University, Evanston)Birth and imprint of magnetically arrested disksZoomSlides
Tue 21.03.202314:00Matti Järvinen (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang)Applying the gauge-gravity duality to dense matterFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 14.03.202314:00Benoît Cerutti (Université Grenoble-Alpes)Extreme particle acceleration in black hole magnetospheres and jetsZoomSlides
Tue 7.03.202314:00Yosuke Mizuno (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)Temperature properties in two-temperature accretion flows onto a black holeFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 28.02.2023(no AstroCoffee)
Tue 21.02.202310:00 (note time)Hamid Hamidani (Kyoto University)Cocoon emission in neutron-star mergers ZoomSlides
Tue 14.2.202314:00Arthur Suvorov (Tübingen Universität)A magnetar in GLEAM-X J1627: theoretical challenges and high-B physicsFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 07.02.2023
17:00 (note time)
Irina Sagert (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Modeling neutron-star crust dynamics with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Tue 31.01.2023
Jorinde van de Vis (Utrecht University)
Gravitational waves from feebly interacting particles in a first-order phase transition
FIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 24.01.2023
Melissa Mendes Silva (McGill University, Montréal)Cooling of transiently-accreting neutron stars to probe a quark phaseFIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 17.01.202314:00
Albino Perego (University of Trento)

Microphysics in BNS mergers: recent results and future perspective
FIAS 100 & ZoomSlides
Tue 10.01.2023
Daniele Viganò (IEEC-CSIC, Barcelona)
Magnetic field topology in neutron stars: from birth to merger
Seminar recordingSlides

Links to the seminars of previous years: